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Anki extension for Raycast
Compress the selected images in Finder with TinyPNG.
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Generate interactive mind maps from clipboard content using local LLMs via Ollama
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Every day, we bring you the most important news and feature stories from hundreds of sources in Russia and across the former Soviet Union. Our team includes some of Russia's top professionals in news and reporting. We value our independence and strive to be a reliable, trusted outlet for verified, unbiased information about Russia and the former Soviet Union, as well as a source for sharp insights about one of the world's most enigmatic regions
Play SVGA animations with ease
Discover historical events, notable birthdays, and milestones on any date.
Control Ghostty with Raycast
Quickly reference and search Shopify theme resources, like input settings, fonts, and more for Shopify theme development.
Efficiently manage and launch groups of links in specific Chrome profiles.
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