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Raycast Notification

This extension makes it easy to display system built-in Notification Center and Raycast HUD via a quicklink or cross-extension launch, making the Raycast interface accessible to other applications or scripts.
AvatarMax Nyby
521 Installs

Raycast Notification

This extension makes it easy to display system built-in Notification Center and Raycast HUD via a quicklink or cross-extension launch, making the Raycast interface accessible to other applications or scripts.


Raycast HUD

The HUD notifications of Raycast look super nice! Don't you wish you could use them for everything?

Well, this extension makes it easy to display Raycast notifications via a quicklink, making the beautiful Raycast interface accessible to other applications or scripts.

Use it from the terminal like:

[!IMPORTANT] Make sure to url_encode the notificationtext, and of course to validate your input text before using it on the command line. Also, success and failure notification types are not supported in background mode.

open -g "raycast://extensions/maxnyby/raycast-notification/index?launchType=background&arguments=%7B%22title%22%3A%22Notification%20Text%22%7D"
open -g "raycast://extensions/maxnyby/raycast-notification/index?arguments=%7B%22title%22%3A%22Notification%20Text%22%2C%22type%22%3A%22success%22%7D"

Notification Center

Even more! With this extension you can also call the system built-in Notification API!

This extension follows Raycast Cross-Extension Conventions. So that you can receive the reply value through its callback launch.

If you want a better async/await experience, we recommend using raycast-notifier directly.

Use with raycast-notifier

import { confirmAlert } from "@raycast/api";
import { findRaycastNotificationCenterPath, notificationCenter } from "raycast-notifier";

const found = await findRaycastNotificationCenterPath();
if (found) {
  await notificationCenter(
      title: "AI Assitant",
      message: "Hi, what can I help you today?",
      reply: "Ask me anything!",
      customPath: found,
} else {
  const yes = await confirmAlert({
    title: "Notification Center Not Found",
    message: "Please install Raycast Notification extension. Do you want to install it right now?",
  if (yes) await open("raycast://extensions/maxnyby/raycast-notification");

Use with Cross-Extension

import { crossLaunchCommand } from "raycast-cross-extension";

    name: "index",
    type: LaunchType.Background,
    extensionName: "raycast-notification",
    ownerOrAuthorName: "maxnyby",
    context: {
      notifyOptions: {
        title: "Raycast Notification",
        subtitle: "Notification Center",
        message: "Hello from Raycast",
        reply: "Send your greetings",
  // Set `false` to disable callback launch from `raycast-cross-extension`

For full API instructions please refer to the notifyOptions.

Receive Reply Value from Cross-Extension

import { NotifyResult } from "raycast-notifier";

type LaunchContex = {
  notifyResult?: NotifyResult;

export default function Command({ launchContext = {} }: { launchContext: LaunchContext }) {
  const { notifyResult } = launchContext;
  const greetigns = notifyResult?.metadata?.activationValue;

Deeplink Example

context='{"notifyOptions":{"title":"Raycast AI","subtitle":"Image generated!","message":"How would you like to adjust this image?","reply":"Just imagine! I can do it!"}}'
deeplink="raycast://extensions/maxnyby/raycast-notification/index?launchType=background&context=$(jq -rR @uri <<< $context)"
open $deeplink


cd raycast-notification

# Install dependencies
npm i

# Get latest prebuilds
npx raycast-notifier-setup

# Happy coding
npm run dev
