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Interact with OpenAI's ChatGPT directly from your command bar
AvatarAbiel Zulio M
146,754 Installs


Interact with OpenAI's ChatGPT right from your command bar

Conversation View


Ask anything, from your favourite thing

Straight from your command bar, ask anything that you wanted and get an AI-generated answer without any effort.

Ask anything

Personalized for you, really

Customize the model to your liking. Create and edit custom engines beyond your creativity.

Custom model

Keep continue, with you

Continue talking about everything right where you left off. Be pro without from zero.

Initial set-up

Save the answer, for later

Got the answer that you wanted? Great. Now you can save it without asking again.

Saving the answer

Look-up your past, fast

Automatically save all the question and answer so you can go back digging for the answer you're looking, quickly.

Looking through the question history

Models availability


  • gpt-3.5-turbo
  • gpt-3.5-turbo-0301


  • gpt-4
  • gpt-4-32k
  • gpt-4o

GPT-4o model supports vision capabilities, which can be enabled in the Models Command when creating or editing a model.

Custom Models

Modify the preferences properties to configure the API Endpoint and use custom models.

How to use

This extension requires a valid Secret Key as your API Key from OpenAI with a pay-as-you-go plan account (you'll get a 429 error if you're on a free-tier account).

Initial set-up

All the preferences value will be stored locally using Preferences API


All preferences properties list that can be customize through Raycast Settings > Extensions > ChatGPT

apiKeyAPI KeystringtrueemptyYour personal OpenAI API key
useStreamStream CompletionbooleantruetrueStream the completions of the generated answer
isAutoSaveConversationAuto-save ConversationbooleantruetrueAuto-save every conversation that you had with the model
isHistoryPausedPause HistorybooleanfalsefalsePause the history of the conversation
isAutoLoadTextAuto-loadbooleanfalsefalseLoad selected text from your frontmost application to the question bar or full text input form automatically
isAutoFullInputUse Full Text InputbooleanfalsefalseSwitch to full text input form from question bar automatically whenever you want to ask or type a question
isAutoTTSText-to-SpeechbooleanfalsefalseEnable auto text-to-speech everytime you get a generated answer
useApiEndpointUse API EndpointbooleanfalsefalseChange the OpenAI's default API endpoint to custom endpoint
apiEndpointAPI EndpointstringfalseemptyCustom API endpoint
useProxyUse ProxybooleanfalsefalseEach question request will be passed through the proxy
proxyProtocolProxy Protocolhttp, https, socks4, socks5falsehttpProxy protocol option
proxyHostProxy HoststringfalseemptyProxy host value
proxyUsernameProxy UsernamestringfalseemptyProxy username value
proxyPasswordProxy PasswordstringfalseemptyProxy password value
useAzureUse Azure OpenAIbooleantruefalseUse Azure OPENAI rather than OPENAI
azureEndpointAzure EndpointstringfalseemptyAzure OpenAI resource endpoint
azureDeploymentNameAzure DeploymentstringfalseemptyAzure OpenAI resource deployment

How to use Azure OpenAI

  1. Copy and paste your Azure OpenAI's KEY value to the API key field

    Enter Azure OpenAI Key

  2. Copy and paste your Azure OpenAI Endpoint value to the Azure Endpoint field. Then, Tick the Use Azure OpenAI checkbox

    Enter Azure OpenAI Endpoint

  3. Copy and paste your Azure OpenAI Model deployment name value to the Azure Deployment field

    Enter Azure OpenAI Deployment


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