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Raycast Extension to manage Gmail
11,275 Installs


Raycast extension to manage your Gmail inbox.

Find this extension on the Raycast store raycast-extensions is released under the MIT license. PRs welcome! Follow @tonka_2000


  • Check mails
  • Manage unread mails
  • Manage Drafts
  • Open specific mail on gmail.com

How to get a Gmail OAuth Client ID

For now you need to create your own OAuth Client ID to be able to use this extension. Getting a production enabled OAuth Client ID is complicated but is planned in the future.

⚠️ The following description can change over time. Make sure to obtain an OAuth key and not an API key! You can search on Google or YouTube to get a better process description like e.g. this blog post.

  • Goto Google Developers Console

    Make sure that you logged in with the Google Account which will be associated with your new OAuth key

  • Create a project and named it e.g. Raycast

    This step take some seconds until the project is created.

  • Enable the Gmail API

    1. Click here
    2. Press the Enable button
  • Enable OAuth

    1. Click here
    2. Click on OAuth consent screen on the left side
    3. Check External and click Create
    4. In App Name type Raycast
    5. In User Support Mail type your own email address
    6. In Developer Contact Info type your own email address
    7. Press Save and Continue
    8. Goto to Test Users and add the email address you wanna manage via Raycast
    9. Click on Credentials on the left side
    10. Click on the Create Credentials on the top (blue text)
    11. Press OAuth client ID
    12. In Application Type choose iOS
    13. In Name type Raycast
    14. In Bundle ID type com.raycast
    15. Press Create
    16. Now copy and paste the shown Client ID into the Preferences of this extension

Now you should be able to manage your Gmail account with Raycast.