
Keep your team in the loop by sending regular updates to Slack.



Get Started

Begin by running the following command in your CLI

npx create-raycast-extension -t standups

In a distributed team, it's essential to stay aligned. All of our team members write a weekly update at the beginning of the week. The update captures the progress during last week and gives an outline of what the member planned for this week. You can use this template to send your daily or weekly updates directly to a Slack channel. This way, your entire team stays in the loop.

First, you need to create a new Slack app. You can create the app from the following manifest:

  name: Raycast - Standups
      - chat:write
  org_deploy_enabled: false
  socket_mode_enabled: false
  token_rotation_enabled: false

Afterward, select "OAuth & Permissions" in the sidebar and press the "Install to Workspace" button in the "OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace" section. Once installed, you'll be able to copy your access token, which starts with "xoxop-".

Now that you are connected to your Slack Workspace, you can run npx create-raycast-extension -t standups locally to use the template. Follow the presented steps to build the template. When you open it for the first time in Raycast, it asks you for your Slack access token. Paste the previously copied token to continue.

After you are authenticated, you can use the form to write your standup updates. Adjust the template to your needs, f.e. switch to weekly updates, or add new fields to cover other information.