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Openverse is a search engine for openly-licensed media.
164 Installs
Visit Openverse.org

Openverse is a search engine for openly-licensed media.

Openverse × Raycast

Openverse is a powerful search engine for GPL-compatible images, audio, and more. Openverse is live at openverse.org.

This extension provides a way to search for Openverse images inside Raycast, browse through the top results, find a suitable image, obtain a copy of it and get attribution information, all with just a few keystrokes.

Note: This extension only supports images at the moment. Support for audio might be considered in the future. No promises.

Getting started

This extension is made possible by the Openverse API.

To use this extension, you will need to do the following:

  • Register an application using Openverse API's register endpoint.
    • Use your real email address, it will be verified in the next step.
    • Carefully note down your client ID and client secret.
  • Confirm your email address by clicking the link emailed to you at the address you provided in the previous step.
  • Install this extension.
  • Provide the client ID and client secret when prompted.
  • Profit!


Pull requests are welcome!