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Search and manage your Things to-dos from Raycast
AvatarLoris Guignard
19,694 Installs


Search and manage your Things to-dos from Raycast.

Authentication token

The extension uses the Things URL Scheme under the hood to enable certain features, such as scheduling a to-do, or moving a to-do to a project/area. For security reasons, these operations require an authentication token that you can set by following these instructions:

  1. Get your authentication token in Things → Settings → General → Enable Things URLs → Manage.
  2. Paste the token in the extension's preferences.


If you don't see any of your to-dos in any commands, please make sure Things is installed and running before using this extension. If Things is running, you may need to grant Raycast access to Things in System Settings > Privacy & Security > Automation > Raycast > Things.