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Laravel Valet

Search and open local Valet sites
AvatarDennis Eilander
319 Installs

Raycast - Laravel Valet

Effortless management of your local Valet sites



  • Open Raycast and search for "Laravel Valet"
  • Search for a site you've parked with Valet
  • Press enter on the selected site to open it in your browser
  • Press cmd + k to see available Valet actions


  • Search through all your parked sites
  • Open selected site in browser
  • Show selected site in Finder
  • Open selected site in other apps
  • Copy selected site path to clipboard
  • Start/Stop/Restart Valet
  • View log files

... and more to come! 🚀


  • Many of the features require sudo privileges, so you will need to have run valet trust in your terminal before using them.