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Search assets and upload your clipboard to your Cloudinary account
AvatarColby Fayock
55 Installs

Raycast Cloudinary

Cloudinary utilities available right from your Raycast launcher.

This plugin is a community extension and not officially supported by Cloudinary.

Getting Started

  • Install the Cloudinary Raycast extension


  • Configure Cloudinary account

You'll be asked to provide your Cloudinary Cloud Name, API Key, and API Secret which you can find in your Programmable Media Dashboard.

Need help finding them? Watch how here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SIp9VL5TMo



  • Open the Search action
  • Add your query and/or tag you'd like to search

Currently will display the first 30 results.

Upload from Clipboard

  • Copy something to your clipboard
  • Run the Upload Clipboard action

Upload from URL

  • Open the Upload URL action
  • Paste a URL as an option