
v1.8.0February 18, 2021

💎 Improvements

  • Root Search: Now you can use 1...9 shortcut to quickly jump to N-th item in the list
  • Script Commands: Added support for terminal colors in fullOutput mode 🎨
  • Script Commands: Added URL detection for fullOutput mode making them clickable and available via the action panel
  • Navigation: Pressing delete (backspace) key will now act as "Go Back" if the search bar is empty
  • File Search: Folders can be opened with text editor apps via "Open with..." action
  • File Search: The default search scope now includes all locally mounted volumes and the home directory
  • Calculator: Support for noon/midday and midnight in time calculations
  • Calculator: Support for crypto currencies, e.g. Bitcoin or Dogecoin
  • G Suite: If you are logged into multiple accounts in the browser and use Raycast to create a new Google doc, it will now be created under the account you use in Raycast
  • G Suite: By default, all drives you're a member of will now be searched
  • Create Script: Added author, authorURL, description fields
  • Create Script: Added templates for Python, Ruby, NodeJS. Improved code templates to help with arguments handling for each of supported languages.
  • Calendar: Added support to launch Microsoft Teams, Skype, Cisco Webex, Jitsi, BlueJeans, Whereby video calls directly from Raycast. No more searching for links, instead just press a key.
  • Calendar: In My Schedule, the Welcome greeting with details about today's events will stay at the top even while scrolling down the events list for quick info.
  • Forms: Token fields now support images, f.e. GitHub assignees now show the avatar or Linear labels a colored circle.
  • Jira: Added an action to copy issue key and title
  • Root Search: Global hotkey will be displayed for selected command or app if it's set
  • Mission Control: The Raycast window is now "transient" and does not show up in mission control any more
  • Browser Bookmarks: Bookmarks can now be searched in folders via the search term, e.g. "dev swift" or "swift dev" would find the bookmark "swift" in the folder/tag "dev" – works for all folders listed in the filter dropdown

🐞 Fixes

  • Calendar: Fixed Zoom meetings detection in Calendar Events allowing to directly join Zoom meeting in native application
  • Reminders: Fixed an issue where reminders created in Raycast wouldn't trigger notification on macOS/iOS
  • Browser Bookmarks: Fixed showing the top-level folders for Chrome and Brave in the filter dropdown; fixed the naming for Safari "Favourites"