
v1.36.0June 7, 2022

🪧 Snippet Placeholders

You can now make your snippets dynamic with placeholders. Add placeholders by typing the keywords within curly braces like {cursor} or {date +2d}.

We support various date and time combinations, the current text in the clipboard, and modifying the cursor position.


🖇️ Share Quicklinks in Your Team (Beta)

You can now share Quicklinks with members of your organization. It's an easier way to access information and ideal for links to your company's roadmap, dashboards, or other resources.

Insert 0xC0C0A in Raycast to activate the beta team features


💎 Improvements

  • Calendar: Events longer than 24h should not be displayed in the menu bar anymore.
  • My Schedule: You can now search for events by participants or only organizer if there are more than five participants
  • Script Commands: Scripts with inline mode can work without refreshTime parameter. In this case, you need to refresh it manually.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused minor CPU usage in the background in some cases when the mouse is moved
  • Fixed an issue that caused some images inside text fields to not appear properly in the light theme
  • Fixed an issue that caused text colors in some screens to not update properly when the system theme changes