
v1.34.0May 4, 2022

💠 Raycast for Teams (Beta)


Together with our community, we built up a developer platform to create, share and discover productivity tools. Now, we’re bringing this experience to teams. Create an organization, invite your teammates, and speed up your internal workflows. Raycast for Teams is free during the beta period, and we’ll iterate on it based on your feedback.

Insert 0xC0C0A in Raycast to activate the team features and follow the getting started guide.

🙀 Emoji Search


What’s using a Mac without emojis in 2022?! With our new Search Emoji command, you can find your favorite smileys and reactions quicker than ever to spice up your documents, tweets and pull requests.

Pro Tip: Assign ⌘ + ⌃ + Space as a hotkey to the Search Emoji command to replace the system emoji picker.

✨ New

  • A little fun: Search for “lightsaber” in Raycast to celebrate Star Wars Day. May the 4th be with you 🌌

💎 Improvements

  • Menu bar calendar events: Added an Always On preference
  • Menu bar calendar events: Clicking the menu bar item now opens a menu displaying your events for the current week
  • Added a new action to annotate images with CleanShot X in the Search Screenshots and Clipboard History command
  • Updated window management preset for Magnet to include thirds (thanks Daniel)
  • Toasts get displayed above the window if there is not enough space under the window

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where in some cases conferences would show up multiple times in the menu bar calendar item
  • Fixed an issue where the text in version history would get cut off sometimes