
v1.33.0April 20, 2022

🏞 Search Screenshots

We’re pretty hyped about this one, as it is not only about browsing your screenshots, we now also have a new way of displaying content within Raycast – meet the grid! The first feature out is the Search Screenshot command, which will make it super easy to browse, copy and share your screenshots.


🤑 Rich Snippets

All the power of Snippets you are used to is now even better with support for rich text. Adding styles or links to your snippet is only a keypress away. You can continue to copy or expand snippets the same way and we’ll make sure your content is richer.


💎 Improvements

  • Added detailed progress information when downloading updates
  • Improved form validation with a little shake

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the position of the menu bar calendar event would sometimes be forgotten.
  • Fixed an issue where running app running indicators could get out of sync when opening Raycast
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes zoom links wouldn’t open