
v0.27.1September 16, 2020

🐱 GitHub: My Pull Requests

This week’s release adds a new command to the GitHub Extension: My Pull Requests. This command shows your pull requests split into sections like created, assigned and mentioned. The bottom section shows your recently closed pull requests, making it a perfect source of truth for your daily update.

GitHub - Pull Requests

As usually, hit ↡ (or double-click any item in the list) to view more details about a pull request, including commits, labels, reviewers, etc.

GitHub - Pull Request Details

Use the Action Panel with ⌘ K to quickly merge accepted pull requests, copy their number or open them in a browser.

Have fun merging your next changes into master with Raycast!

πŸ’Ž Improvements

  • Added prefetching of your most used commands so that data more often appears fresh when you open the command
  • Added new custom field types when creating Jira issues: story points, multi-selects, radio buttons
  • Added support for preloading a template from .github/ in the Create Pull Request command
  • Improved the display of values in the Jira sprint dropdown field
  • Improved visual feedback when performing actions on the Jira issue details screen
  • Improved loading times of form data when creating new Jira issues
  • You can now close Raycast window with a shortcut ⌘ W
  • Added ⌘ Escape as a quick way to get to the root search from everywhere
  • Added an action to delete events and event series in the My Schedule command
  • Added our Changelog to the Manual. Now you can read about all previous changes whenever it suits you best. You can also use the Changelog command to quickly open it from Raycast

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed a case where a Jira issue could not be created when the sprint field was set
  • Fixed an issue with Jira authentication and logging out
  • Fixed an issue where deleted events still showed up in the My Schedule command