
v0.24.3August 25, 2020

International keyboards and alternative escape

A little treatment for all international keyboard users! We now support all layouts, including more exotic ones like Dvorak or Colemak. If you have a MacBook with a touch bar, you can enable an alternative escape to get the proper keyboard haptics. Go to Raycast Preferences > General to enable it.

Alternative escape

Fallback search suggestions

Sometimes, you can't find what you're looking for in the root search of Raycast. Now you see a list of fallback search suggestions on the bottom, allowing you to quickly search for your entered text in the File Search command, on Google or on DuckDuckGo.

Fallback search suggestions

Slack community

Throughout our journey of development, we've been amazed by your enthusiasm and feedback. Now it's time to bring it to the next level. We move our ongoing community effort to Slack, making it easier to dive into feature requests and getting to know each other. You can join the community here or from the menu.

Slack community

Other improvements and fixes

  • Significantly improved the rendering of the root search for apps and commands
  • Jira: Added actions to copy the title of an issue and assign issues to yourself
  • Improved visual feedback for copy actions; now you see what you copied
  • Renamed the Hide All Apps command to Hide All Apps Except Frontmost
  • Fixed ordering of recent files in the File Search command
  • Fixed missing icons for Apple ID, Bluetooth, General and Internet Accounts
  • Fixed a bug where shortcut tooltips were displayed incorrectly in some cases
  • Fixed a bug where toast indicators would get misaligned on hover
  • Fixed a bug where shortcuts wouldn't work when the Action Panel is open