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Create custom AI commands using powerful placeholders
AvatarStephen Kaplan
3,307 Installs


New PromptLab CommandNew PromptLab Command

Create a custom PromptLab command accessible via 'Search PromptLab Commands'

My PromptLab CommandsMy PromptLab Commands

Search your installed PromptLab commands

PromptLab ChatPromptLab Chat

Start an interactive chat with the context of selected files provided'

Import PromptLab CommandsImport PromptLab Commands

Import custom PromptLab commands from a JSON string

PromptLab Command StorePromptLab Command Store

Discover commands from the PromptLab community

Manage ModelsManage Models

Manage the models used to generate PromptLab command output

PromptLab Menu ItemPromptLab Menu Item

Show PromptLab shortcut in the menu bar