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Amazon AWS

The best way to interact with your AWS resources
AvatarVíctor Falcón
4,508 Installs


EC2 InstancesEC2 Instances

Find and open an instance

ECS ClustersECS Clusters

Find and open a cluster

SQS QueuesSQS Queues

Find and open a queue (or purge it)

CodePipeline PipelinesCodePipeline Pipelines

Find and open a pipeline


Get a direct link to a service in the AWS console

CloudFormation StacksCloudFormation Stacks

Find and open a stack

Lambda FunctionsLambda Functions

Find and open a function

DynamoDB TablesDynamoDB Tables

Find and open a table

S3 BucketsS3 Buckets

Find and open a bucket and its content (or download it)

CloudWatch Log GroupsCloudWatch Log Groups

Find and open a log group

SSM ParametersSSM Parameters

Find, view and copy a parameter value

Secrets ManagerSecrets Manager

Find, view and copy a secret value

Run Profile ScriptRun Profile Script

Execute configured script for a profile

Step FunctionsStep Functions

Find and open a Step Function