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Easy New File

Quickly create file in the current Finder window or on the desktop.
3,358 Installs

Easy New File

Quickly create file in the current Finder window or on the desktop.

Build-in File Type

  • Document: Plain Text, RFT, Markdown, Word, PowerPoint, Excel
  • Code: Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, XML, CSS, Html, SVG
  • Script: Apple, Perl, Python, Ruby, Shell


  • When use the New File Here command, please activate the Finder folder windows or Desktop window where you want to create the new file.

  • When use the Add File Template command, the extension will automatically detect the selected file in the front-most Finder window. How to get the file path automatically?

    1. Keep your Finder window at the front-most
    2. Select a file. (Folders will not be detected for now)
    3. Optional: You can also choose (⌃+⇧+C) and fill in the file directory manually.

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