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Check your Todoist tasks and quickly create new ones
25,713 Installs



Show your Todoist tasks and views (inbox, today, upcoming, completed, projects, labels).


Search your Todoist tasks, projects, labels, and comments.

Create TaskCreate Task

Create a Todoist task.

Quick Add TaskQuick Add Task

Quickly add a new task in Todoist.

Create ProjectCreate Project

Create a Todoist project.

Menu Bar TasksMenu Bar Tasks

Show your Todoist tasks and views in your menu bar.

Show ProjectsShow Projects

Show your Todoist projects.

Show LabelsShow Labels

Show your Todoist labels.

Show FiltersShow Filters

Show your Todoist filters.

Unfocus Current TaskUnfocus Current Task

Unfocus the current task in the menu bar.

Open Focus TaskOpen Focus Task

When a task is chosen as the focused one, you can open it directly using this command.