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Control Bike with Raycast
AvatarStephen Kaplan
190 Installs


Control Bike with Raycast


  • New Bike
    • Create a new, blank Bike document.
  • New Bike From Template
    • Create a new Bike document from a pre-configured template layout.
  • New Bike From Clipboard
    • Create a new Bike document from the content of the clipboard.
  • Append to Bike From Clipboard
    • Add the content of the clipboard to the end of the current Bike document.
  • Copy Document URL
    • Copy the URL of the current Bike document to the clipboard.
  • Copy Row URL
    • Copy the URL of the currently focused row to the clipboard.
  • Extract Links
    • Copy all links in the currently focused document to the clipboard.
  • Search Rows
    • Search for and quickly navigate to rows within the current Bike document.
  • Minimize Bike
    • Minimize all Bike windows.
  • Close Other Documents
    • Close all Bike documents except the current one, asking if you'd like to save them beforehand.
  • Force Close Other Documents
    • Close all Bike documents except the current one without asking to save.
  • Bike Background Color
    • Set the background color of Bike windows.
  • Bike Foreground Color
    • Set the foreground (text) color of Bike windows.